14 Page Monthly Lunar Primer Download!

What’s in this Primer?

A Solid Victory for Humanity:

  • Pluto at fixed star Terebellum (Earth War)
  • Influences on the Divine Masculine
  • Archangel Michael (fixed stars Aldebaran), Archangel Uriel, and the Stargate to Heaven
  • Lilith’s influence on women.
  • How to Live an ascended life as a living Human Being.
  • Meaning of the nebula Spiculum.
  • Venus as the Queen of (fixed star) Vega.


  • These are the themes that culminated at April 2024 in our lives.
  • This report addresses theme of the 3rd month of the 2022 lunar & solar eclipses.
  • Occurring in the first half of the unfolding eclipse energy, they were key to the unfoldment of the cycle that ended and then fed the energy of the April 2024 eclipses.
  • See where you were then and how you developed.


  • What did you learn/ how did you grow/ what have you decided and developed since Winter 2022?
  • How did you build something in yourself or for yourself that will support you now into 2024?
  • How will you develop this further? Will you start something new? How will you now evolve yourself and your life, over the next 18 months?
  • Use the 2024 report to determine the themes initiating now and unfolding over the next 18 months.
  • Within the context of the energies, you can create self development strategies and take actions relative to how energy will unfold.

While millions awaken because of deep psychological response to the energies, millions more are wounded deeply through lack of support, lack of knowledge, lack of understanding, direct psychological attack, and because of the mental constructs that have imprisoned them.

They key question becomes:

How will we care for the wounded of this psychological war that we have all been through?

For Astrology Readings and Energy Sessions, please go here Sessions with Susan.

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Love, Susan Inspired

©2023 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Views reflect those of the author, only. For media permissions or business collaborations contact me.