Shocking Delusions and Stunning Truth
47-page Astrology Monthly Lunar Primer
Jam-packed with stories and themes for the lunar month November 23 – December 22, 2022.
In the image on my New Moon – Lunar monthly primer cover this month, the Pied Piper of delusion leads the children astray, while the trickster Kokopeli teases us with illusion and riddles, as the wise owl looks on from above.
Will we have the wisdom to spot the delusion, deceit, and eventual despair the Pied Piper causes ‘the children’?
The trickster Kokopelli may ‘get us’ as he so often does, but there is method behind his madness, as his intent is to use his tricks to knock us out of our sleep, and to give us the opportunity for stunning insights if we ponder our encounter with his energies.
Two types of tricksters abound in the energies this month, one leads us to chaos, the other leads us into awakening.
Hidden underneath the outward activity, hidden blessings, beautiful gifts, and awesome potentials wait for our attention and discovery.
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